Heyl Royster


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November 2022

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November 3, 2022

Andy Keyt, Chair of the Heyl Royster’s Governmental Practice, speaks at the Illinois Association of Park Districts in Oak Brook, Illinois, on November 3, 2022. He will share tips for successful partnerships using intergovernmental cooperation to your advantage while avoiding legal pitfalls. Details at: https://www.ilparks.org/page/legalsymposium.

Read More on Keyt Presents at Illinois Association of Park Districts Legal Symposium
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November 13, 2022

Andy Keyt, Chair of Heyl Royster's Governmental Practice, joins the 115th Township Officials of Illinois Annual Conference, "Step Up to the Plate for Township Government," to discuss how to best manage intergovernmental agreements by avoiding costly mistakes and potential disputes. Join us at the Crown Plaza in Springfield, Il, on November 13-15 for exhibitors, presentations, a silent auction, networking, and more. For more information about TOI and the events they offer, please visit https://www.toi.org/.

Read More on Keyt Shares Expertise at Township Officials of Illinois Annual Conference
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