Heyl Royster

Workers' Compensation

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Below the Red Line June 2024

Included Article

  • The “Loss of Occupation” Theory: Effective Defense Strategies

Below the Red Line May 2024

Included Article

  • The Appellate Process and the Influence of Expert Opinions: Scott Osman vs. Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission


Below the Red Line April 2024

Included Articles

  • The Traveling Employee Doctrine Travels Farther: Town of Cicero vs. Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission

Below the Red Line March 2024

Included Articles

  • Injured While Working Under the Influence – Compensable?  A Brief Guide to Navigating Intoxication and Injuries On The Job

Below the Red Line February 2024

Included Articles

  • First District Appellate Court Clarifies Notice in the Era of CompFile.

Below the Red Line January 2024

Included Articles

  • A Guide to Maintenance Benefits Under Section 8(a)

Below the Red Line December 2023

Included Articles

  • Case Updates and Practical Tips for Defense of Occupational Disease Claims

Below the Red Line November 2023

Included Articles

  • Voluntary Arbitration Under Section 19(p): What’s Old Is New Again

Below the Red Line October 2023

Included Articles

  • The IME and Petitioner's Pursuit of Medical Care

Below the Red Line September 2023

Included Articles

  • How to Use Petitioner's Social Security Disability Benefits to Encourage Settlements

Below the Red Line August 2023

Included Articles

  • When Are Mental Illnesses Compensable Under Illinois Workers’ Compensation?

Below the Red Line July 2023

Included Articles

  • Proving A Hearing Loss Case Due to Noise Exposure


Below the Red Line June 2023

Included Articles

  • Employer/Employee Relationship- Are Incidental Benefits Enough to Establish the Relationship? 

Below the Red Line May 2023

Included Articles

  • Average Weekly Wage: Calculation Pursuant to Statute Upheld

Below the Red Line April 2023

Included Articles

  • Idiopathic Falls: The Importance of Refuting “Significant Contribution” Evidence

Below the Red Line March 2023

Included Articles

  • CASE REVIEW: City of Joliet v. IWCC, et al., 2023 IL App. (3d) 220175WC

Below the Red Line February 2023

Included Articles

  • Distinguishing Between Permanent Partial Disability Cases: Loss of Trade or Wage Differential

Below the Red Line January 2023

Included Articles

  • Public Or Employer Provided Parking? That Is The Question

Below the Red Line December 2022

Included Articles

  • You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out! Defending Eye Injury Claims

Below the Red Line November 2022

Included Articles

  • Life Care Plans: Limits On The Commission’s Authority

Below the Red Line October 2022

Included Articles

  • Bonuses and Calculation of Average Weekly Wage

Below the Red Line September 2022

Included Articles

  • Malecki v. IWCC: The Importance Of Securing A Complete Causation Opinion

Below the Red Line August 2022

Included Articles

  • Change at the Commission: Pro Se Settlements, Redline Cases, and Motions to Withdraw - What You Need

Below the Red Line July 2022

Included Articles

  • Penalties and Fees Served Up for Frivolous Contention of Issues at Hearing


Below the Red Line June 2022

Included Articles

  • No Discovery, No Problem: How To Provide An Effective Defense To Disputed Claims

Below the Red Line April 2022

Included Articles

  • Effect of the Shift to a Work-From-Home Society on the Analysis of “Accident” in Work Comp

Below the Red Line March 2022

Included Articles

  • IL Supreme Court Rules Exclusivity Provisions in Workers’ Comp Act Doesn’t Bar Claims Under BIPA

Below the Red Line February 2022

Included Articles

  • No Section 5(a) Immunity For General Contractor Operating Separately From Subsidiary-Subcontractor

Below the Red Line January 2022

Included Articles

  • Country Mutual vs. Under Construction: Insurer and Employer Contractual Duties

Below the Red Line December 2021

Included Articles

  • Country Mutual vs. Under Construction: Insurer and Employer Contractual Duties

Below the Red Line November 2021

Included Articles

  • Rebutting the Presumption: Covid-19 Exposure Claims

Below the Red Line September 2021

Included Articles

  • Latent Diseases Which Give Rise to Claims Brought Under the Workers’ Occupational Diseases Act

Below the Red Line October 2021

Included Articles

  • What’s My Job?: A Look at Voluntary Undertakings Considered “In the Course” of Employment

Below the Red Line August 2021

Included Articles

  • Payment v. Authorization of Treatment-Penalties Under Section 19(l)

Below the Red Line July 2021

Included Articles

  • Important Procedural Updates Effective 7-1-21

Below the Red Line June 2021

Included Articles

  • Will Section 8(a) of the Illinois Workers Compensation Act Allow Prescription of Medical Marijuana?

Below the Red Line May 2021

Included Articles

  • Bowen V. IWCC: Appellate Court Refuses To Hear Appeal

Below the Red Line April 2021

Included Articles

  • Identifying and Resolving Medicare Issues In Workers’ Compensation Settlements

Below the Red Line March 2021

Included Articles

  • Independent Medical Examinations

  • Commission News

Below the Red Line February 2021

Included Articles

  • Recouping Your Section 5(b) Lien: Is the Employer Subject to Discovery in the Third-Party Claim?

Below the Red Line January 2021

Included Articles

  • COVID-19 Vaccines & Employee Injury: Is There a Compensable Workers' Compensation Claim

Workers' Compensation E-Clips

Below the Red Line December 2020

Included Articles

  • Previous Non-Precedential 23(b) Decisions Can be Cited as Persuasive Source Beginning in 2021

Below the Red Line November 2020

Included Articles

  • First Report of Injury: Timing, filing requirements, and best practices

Below the Red Line October 2020

Included Articles

  • When the Employer is the Last to Know: Is Lack of Timely Notice a Viable Defense?

Below the Red Line September 2020

Included Articles

  • McAllister v. IWCC: The Supreme Court Provides An "Arising Out Of" Test

Below the Red Line August 2020

Included Articles

  • Navigating an Amputation Rate Calculation

Below the Red Line July 2020

Included Articles

  • Commission Finds Vocational Rehab Assessment Must Be Prepared by Counselor of Respondent's Choice

Below the Red Line June 2020

Included Articles

  • Can a Traveling Employee Injured During Lunch be Found Compensable?

Below the Red Line May 2020

Included Articles

  • Illinois v. Missouri: Employee Falls At and Away from Employer’s Premises

Below the Red Line April 2020

Included Articles

  • Emergency Rule Approved By IWCC Regarding COVID-19 Diagnosis For “Essential” Employees

Below the Red Line March 2020

Included Articles

  • Defending Claims in the Age of COVID-19

Below the Red Line February 2020

Included Article

  • "I'm filing for penalties and fees, and the arbitrator isn't going to be happy with you!"

Below the Red Line January 2020

Included Articles

  • Personal Injury Firm Settles with Gov't. for Failure to Reimburse Conditional Payments to Medicare

Below the Red Line December 2019

Included Articles

  • Cannabis Trailer Bill Enlightening for Employers

Below the Red Line November 2019

Included Articles

  • Is the Respondent Required to Pay PPD Awards in a Lump Sum?

Below the Red Line October 2019

Included Articles

  • IL Supreme Court granted the Rule 315(a) Petition for Leave to Appeal in McAllister case

Below the Red Line September 2019

Included Articles

  • New Commissioner Appointed

  • TTD Overpayments as a Credit Against PPD Awards

Below the Red Line August 2019

Included Articles

  • Risky Business - Consequences of Non-Compliance

Below the Red Line July 2019

Included Articles

  • Overview of the 2018 Annual Report

Below the Red Line June 2019

Included Articles

  • Dual Capacity Doctrine

Below the Red Line May 2019

Included Articles

  • "Arising Out Of" and the Performance of Everyday Activities: A Solution or More Confusion?

  • New Legislation

Below the Red Line April 2019

Included Articles

  • A Word From The Practice Chair

Below the Red Line March 2019

Included Articles

  • New Commission Appointments

Below the Red Line February 2019

Included Articles

  • Fall While Using Stairs at Work Found Non-Compensable Under Neutral Risk Analysis

Below the Red Line January 2019

Included Articles

  • Snow and Ice as a Per Se Hazardous Condition?

Below the Red Line December 2018

Included Articles

  • Revisiting the Concept of Independent Contractors

Below the Red Line November 2018

Included Articles

  • To Submit Or Not Submit An MSA – That Is The Question?

Below the Red Line October 2018

Included Articles

  • Craig Young Becomes New Managing Heyl Royster Partner

  • Dana Hughes Manages Peoria Workers’ Compensation

  • Appellate Court Rejects Request to Abandon Intervening Act Theory

Below the Red Line September 2018

Included Articles

  • Can a Light Duty Program for Work Comp Claimants Create a Duty to Accommodate Under the ADA?

Below the Red Line August 2018

Included Articles

  • Finding the Path after Pathfinder

Below the Red Line July 2018

Included Articles

  • Andrew (AJ) Sheehan Joins Our Springfield Office

  • Co-Worker Immunity in the Context of the Employer Controlled Commute

Below the Red Line June 2018

Included Articles

  • How to Handle a 5(b) Lien

Below the Red Line May 2018

Included Articles

  • A Word from our St. Louis Office

  • Medicos Pain and Surgical Specialists, S.C. v. Travelers Indem. Co. of America

Below the Red Line March 2018

Included Articles

  • The Year in Review

Below the Red Line February 2018

Included Articles

  • App. Ct. Holds that Section 19(n) Interest Applies Until Commission Decision is Reduced to Judgement

Below the Red Line January 2018

Included Articles

  • App. Court Clarifies Section 8(a) Where Medical Expenses Are Paid at a Negotiated Rate

  • Workers’ Compensation Panel Assigned New Justice

Below the Red Line December 2017

Included Articles

  • Effectively Using Utilization Review (UR) Reports in Your Case

Below the Red Line October 2017

Included Articles

  • Paying Temporary Total Disability Benefits After Retirement?

  • Workers’ Compensation Commission Update

Below the Red Line September 2017

Included Articles

  • Appellate Court Issues Employer-Favorable Decision in Slip and Fall on Rain-Soaked Pavement Case

Below the Red Line August 2017

Included Articles

  • Wage Differential vs. “Loss of Occupation” Claims

Below the Red Line July 2017

Included Articles

  • Appellate Court Clarifies Interstate Scaffolding’s Application to Terminated Employees

Below the Red Line June 2017

Included Articles

  • Antonacci to Manage Firm's Chicago Workers' Compensation Practice

  • Fireman's Heart Attack Claim Fails

  • Wage Differentials and the Challenge to find Suitable Employment

Below the Red Line April 2017

Included Articles

  • Workers’ Compensation Claims and Subrogation

Below the Red Line Special Edition 2016

Included Articles

  • Legislative Review

  • The Year In Review – 2016

Below the Red Line February 2017

Included Articles

  • A Primer on Credits

  • Other News

Below the Red Line December 2016

Included Articles

  • High Court Denies Leave to Appeal in AMA Rating Report Case: What This Means for Your Claims

Below the Red Line October 2016

Included Articles

  • CMS Lowers SCHIP Reporting Threshold for Workers’ Compensation Cases

  • Traveling Employee Doctrine Does Not Encompass Travel “To and From” Normal Workplace

Below the Red Line August 2016

Included Articles

  • New Case On PPD Presents Opportunity For Misunderstandings

Below the Red Line April 2016

Included Articles

  • Don't Pay That High Interest Rate!

  • Recent Appellate Victories

Below the Red Line March 2016

Included Articles

  • Wage Differential Without a Change in Wages?

  • Firm Workers' Compensation Activities and Victories

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