Heyl Royster

Cason to Moderate at 2024 GPSolo, LP & YLD Joint Spring Conference

May 18, 2024, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM (US Central)

Omaha, Nebraska

Exciting news! Dashawn Cason of Heyl Royster's Peoria office will be moderating a crucial discussion on "Saving Democracy and the Rule of Law- A Discussion About Why Lawyers Need to Engage" at the 2024 GPSolo, LP & YLD Joint Spring Conference in Omaha, Nebraska. This event, hosted by the American Bar Association, Young Lawyers Division, holds significant importance in the legal community. Dashawn, as the Vice-Director of Civic Engagement for the ABA Young Lawyers Division, will be a key participant in the event, attending the cabinet meeting of elected officers and senior YLD Council members. For more information, visit https://www.americanbar.org/groups/young_lawyers/events/ 

Categories:   Firm
Related Attorneys: Dashawn Cason

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