Heyl Royster


Our firm believes that improving our profession through service is in the best interests of our clients, attorneys, and communities. Our events calendar will inform you of upcoming events, seminars, and more.

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May 1, 2024

Law Day is an annual commemoration held on May 1st to celebrate the rule of law and cultivate a deeper understanding of the legal system. 

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May 1, 2024, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (US Central)
Location: Peoria

The 2024 Law Day Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, May 1st, at the Spalding Pastoral Center. This year's theme is "Voices of Democracy". Our keynote speaker is Elizabeth Gannon, Executive Director of the Peoria County Election Commission. 

Additionally, the event will honor our 50-year members, including Heyl Royster's Rex L. Linder, David L. Cover, Michael A. Fleming, Gery R. Gasick, John W. Howard, Donald R. Jackson, Hon. Brian M. Nemenoff (Ret.), and Brian W. Ruddell. 

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May 18, 2024, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM (US Central)
Location: Omaha, Nebraska

Exciting news! Dashawn Cason of Heyl Royster's Peoria office will be moderating a crucial discussion on "Saving Democracy and the Rule of Law- A Discussion About Why Lawyers Need to Engage" at the 2024 GPSolo, LP & YLD Joint Spring Conference in Omaha, Nebraska.

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May 18, 2024, 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM (US Central)
Location: Zoom

Abhi Nair, from the St. Louis office, will participate in a Zoom panel discussion on May 18. The panel, presented by Ripples of Kindness Texas, Inc., will focus on "Discovering the American Educational System." During the discussion, the panelists will cover a range of topics, including course selections, AP courses, College Entrance Exams, Internships, College Savings, School Selection, and more.

Read More on Nair to Speak on American Education System at Ripples of Kindness Panel Discussion
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